Canadian Homeopathic Pharmaceutical AssociationThe core objective of the association is to represent the public policy and regulatory
interests of manufacturers, importers and distributors of homeopathic medicines in Canada.
Mission : Public Policy | Regulatory Interests
The core objective of the association is to represent the public policy and regulatory interests of manufacturers, importers and distributors of homeopathic medicines in Canada. In support of this objective, the CHPA/APHC conducts its activities to:
- Represent the members’ interests at the federal and provincial levels in relation to legislation and regulation affecting homeopathic medicines;
- Enhance the recognition of homeopathic medicines among consumers and health care practitioners and encourage a climate of acceptance of homeopathic medicines in Canada;
- Promote high standards of manufacture of homeopathic medicines;
- Advance the academic and scientific understanding of homeopathic medicines and in so doing contribute to the acceptance of homeopathic medicines in healthcare delivery in Canada.
Latest News
Homeopathic remedies are not a substitute for vaccines
« Our Association and its members agree with Health Canada’s position that homeopathic remedies should not be used as a substitute for vaccines.»
Suppressed NHMRC 2012 report found ‘encouraging’ evidence homeopathy is effective for some medical conditions
Australia’s leading research institute, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), recently bowed to public pressure and released its first report on homeopathy, produced in 2012 but never released to the public.As expected, the findings of...
Position Statement on the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
The Canadian Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Association (CHPA), representing the major manufacturers and distributors of homeopathic medicines, confirms that it is unaware of any homeopathic literature or clinical trial that specifically support the use of any...

Homeopathic Medicines in Health Care
Introduction to Homeopathy
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed homeopathy approximately 200 years ago. It is based on the theory of similars and the use of infinitesimal doses. The idea is that a substance that can cause certain symptoms will also cure those symptoms, when administered in an extremely diluted form.
CHPA has, since 1990, advocated the development of a comprehensive regulatory framework for HMs that would take into account the regulatory precedents for HMs established in other countries such as European Union member states and the USA. These regulatory precedents included the formal recognition of methods of manufacture of HMs (homeopathic pharmacy), indications for use, product formulations and potencies contained in internationally recognized pharmacopoeias.